Teacher Appreciation week... and bawld

This week is "Teacher Appreciation Week," which means that there is a piece of paper outside my door with the instructions that passers-by may leave a "nice note" for their teacher.  Yesterday I was depressed because the only thing written on mine was "SLUT" and I had to mark it out, and then as I was marking it out the teacher next door saw me and she said, "Are you writing on your own paper??"
Anyway, today I was super happy because there are actual notes (behind the "YEA RITE" proclamation there is some sweet stuff):

My favorite (in green):
Another sweet one: 


And the sweetest:
Is that not the most adorable thing ever?  It is.

Now for something I found hilarious but will probably never be done justice in print:  I was walking down a long hallway and I passed a (bald, african american) teacher at the very beginning of it (let's call the teacher Mr. Smith).  Toward the end I passed an african american student, who yelled out "MR. SMITH BAWL-HEADED!!!" and then ran behind a corner.
Then he casually crept out from behind the corner, started walking down the hall, and nonchalantly said to the teacher, "You heard that Mr. Smif? SOMEone call you bawl-headed!  Oh hellllll naw!"
Mr. Smith did not pay the slightest bit of attention so I was the only one laughing my head off. 
The end.


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