District Based Training

I had to attend 72 hours of district-based training.  I diligently brought a notebook to each session.  Here are my most valuable notes taken in the form of verbatim quotations from the female african-american training presenter:

1.  "The kids... they will test you.  And you will test them, of course!  You're the teacher.   That's why.  But don't forget:  they will test you TOO!  So be ready for that."

2.  "Fine is in the eye of the beholder."  (This was a response to an idiotic question about what to do if the student makes a romantic gesture toward you.  Shakespeare expressed a similar sentiment in Love's Labours Lost, 1588:

Good Lord Boyet, my beauty, though but mean,
Needs not the painted flourish of your praise:
Beauty is bought by judgement of the eye,
Not utter'd by base sale of chapmen's tongues

But I guess "Fine is in the eye of the beholder" works too.)

3.  "To get results, provide incentatatives."

4.  "Everyone wants to know how I do."

5.  "They will test your boundaries."

Next to each of these nuggets of wisdom in my notes is a tally of how many times the woman said each one.  Number 5 narrowly won with 7 repetitions.  Redundancy had reached it's peak... or so I thought.  There was still school-specific training left to go!

Also in my notes are several doodles and, no lie, 4 long division problems.

It should be said that most people attending these trainings are smart college graduates.  Most people administering the trainings are "downtown" employees (teacher-speak for people who work in the district but have much fewer qualifications than teachers do) with bad grammar.  It is a crying shame and paramount waste of time.  But we got free folders!!!


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