
Today in a department head meeting, I had a revelation that was a long time coming.  For several years now I have been ASTOUNDED at the lack of respect and basic manners of Mexican students*.  Even more profound, however, was their reaction when I told them how their atrocious behavior was affecting their grade: 4 out of 5 times, the student would reply with: "I don't care if I fail or not!", give or take a few profane words.

At first, I thought that was general teen repartee, an automatic response to being threatened might be to lessen the value of the threat by dismissing its severity as worthless.  After a while of me following through, though, and students failing due to refusal to do the EASIEST things, I realized that they actually, literally, did not care.

This morning, I finally found out why (I think).  Another teacher mentioned that it's not that the kids don't care if they are successful.  It's that in their minds, and the minds of their families, they already are successful

They have succeeded by getting away from drug cartel violence and into an American high school where they have it easy.  Not "no problems" easy, but "no worries that I will witness a murder today" easy.  That, in the minds of most people born in Mexico, is the ultimate goal.  It's the equivalent of a [stereotypical and slightly racist predicate imminent] white teenager getting all A's and going to Harvard, and then becoming a rich professional.  Those lofty goals are for people who were born in America, with papers, and have never had to fight for survival or experience debilitating poverty.  As for the Mexicans, they'll happily work long hours at a menial job to pay the rent for their safe American apartment.  If the teacher doesn't like them sleeping in class or not working in school, what difference does it make?  Will they lose money?  No.  Are their lives in danger?  No. 

I finally get it.  Now, to find out what to do about it.

*Some of my Mexican students on the other side of the spectrum are incredibly well-adjusted socially and have fantastic grades.  They are not, however, in the majority.


andrulemon said...

I would have to say that I find that over simplistic. In general, you are just as likely to witness violent crime in inner city Dallas (or Detroit) as you are in generally any part of Mexico.
However, you are much less likely to be well-fed and well-clothed and yes, being in pretty much any American high school is like being in the nicest prepa in Mexico.

Most of these kids' parents never studied past the age of 13 or so, so yes, having their kids in school at 15,16 seems like progress and the parents don't really have the context to be able to push their kids.

Beyond that, the Mexican culture generally spoils kids.

Virtually all of my students are Mexicans (duh) but usually upper-middle class folks. They all have the nicest clothes, iPhones and new cars... and none of them ever study for a test. :-(

Miz said...

Yes, very simplistic and generalized. Your story seems to fall in line with my reasoning though.

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